Barefoot™ Technology

The revolutionary BFT™ speed skating shoes are based on a 'Natural Fit' philosophy that positions the foot naturally, the way mother nature intended it to. The human locomotion system has developed over thousands of years, and requires the utmost support and control in order take pleasure in speed skating. This is why BFT™ motion control is so important. Over time, the natural fit helps support the muscular system to reach your optimal performance. This unique shape gives you the ultimate in comfort and stability.

Barefoot™ Technology

BFT vlastnosti:
Anatomicky tvarovateľné podľa chodidla, jemne vyvýšená klenba, kontrola pohybu.

BFT výhody:
Vaše chodidlo a topánka nadobudnú akoby jeden celok, získate nenapodobiteľné pohodlie a podporu zatiaľ čo cítite prechod pozitívnej energie.

Barefoot Technology je exkluzívnou súčasťou modelov Luigino BOLT, Challenge, Victory, STRUT