Nagano Diamond Sharp.Plate 2-side 2"

Nagano Diamond Sharp.Plate 2-side 2"

159.00€ 165.00€
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Frank's Signature diamond plates are a revolution in the world of speed skating. Made with exclusive diamond sheets, they are extremely effective. They allow precision sharpening of optimal quality with consistent results. Diamond of excellent durability. Do not require any lubricant and no maintenance. A simple blow of dry cloth is enough to clean it. When choosing your options, note that the larger the number, the softer the stone. The black is therefore rougher and the gold softer. Frank's Signature diamond plates are simply the best sharpening products on the market and the most durable. The high quality diamond is positioned on dies to ensure uniformity of the surface and therefore optimal and consistent results for sharpening.


black / blue 140 - 400

black / gold 140 - 1200

blue / red    400 - 600

red / gold    600 - 1200

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